Terms and Conditions

By accepting our service, you acknowledge that there is a minimum charge of $120.00 for our technicians to provide computer services at your location. This minimum fee covers the first 60 minutes of on-site labor. Any extra time will be invoiced in 15-minute increments at a rate of $30.00 per slot.

By accepting our service, you acknowledge the imposition of a no-show fee, which is equivalent to the cost of one hour of labor ($120.00), in the event that you are not present at the scheduled appointment when the technician arrives. This fee will be exempted if the appointment was properly canceled at least four hours in advance.

By accepting our service, you commit to settling all charges promptly upon receiving the tax invoice. Failure to make timely payments may result in the imposition of extra fees, which could amount to as much as 15% of the total amount due. Please note that the prices quoted do not encompass the Goods and Services Tax (GST). If GST is applicable, it will be applied in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Commonwealth of Australia's Goods and Services Act.

By accepting GeekWA's services, you consent to absolve and indemnify GeekWA, its agents, and service representatives from any and all liabilities related to the execution of services or the supply of parts. You acknowledge that GeekWA does not provide any explicit or implicit warranty or assurance for the services rendered or the parts supplied, except for the manufacturer's warranty.

You recognize that the services being carried out entail inherent risks, which may encompass but are not restricted to, potential harm or loss, such as damage to your office, residence, business premises, computer hardware, including cabling, hubs, routers, switches, peripherals, accessories, and furniture. Additionally, there exists a risk of potential harm, corruption, or loss concerning computer software, applications, data, and data storage media.

By accepting GeekWA's services, you consent to absolve and indemnify GeekWA from any liability associated with damage or loss. This includes both direct and indirect material or financial damage or loss that may arise from the actions of GeekWA, its agents, or service representatives.

You authorize GeekWA, along with its agents and service representatives, to have physical access to your home or office premises where your computer system and/or network are located.

You provide GeekWA, its agents, and service representatives with access, security privileges, and authorization to open, inspect, alter, edit, remove, or otherwise interact with your computer software, applications, data, and data storage media. This encompasses, but is not restricted to, the computer Operating System, word processing software, spreadsheets, databases, workflow applications, graphics software, audio and video files, system drivers, libraries, and any other forms of software or data present on your computer system or network.

You authorize GeekWA, along with its agents and service representatives, to have access and permission to physically disassemble any and all required computer systems, components, networks, cabling, hubs, routers, switches, peripherals, and accessories in order to carry out the specified services.

Repair Time and Delivery

GeekWA will exert reasonable efforts to ensure that repaired equipment is delivered within the estimated time frame, but it cannot guarantee a specific completion time for repairs. GeekWA is not responsible for any service failures or delays caused by factors beyond its control. GeekWA also retains the discretion to choose not to proceed with the requested repairs or services and, instead, refund the customer's payment.